
Showing posts from August, 2023

Tips for New and Veteran Teachers Starting at a New School

  Tips for New and Veteran Teachers Starting at a New School Heading Back to School as a teacher is bittersweet - we’re sad to say goodbye to summer, but genuinely excited to meet back up with coworkers and welcome new students. But it’s also very overwhelming when you’re starting at a new school.  Whether it’s your first year teaching, or you’re a veteran teacher starting at a new school, those “welcome PD days” can be information overload, and you’re also just anxious to be working on your classroom & getting your lesson plans ready for the first week.  I’ve compiled a list of tips sorted by category:  Click on whichever applies to you! Tips for Teaching at a New School as a Department of 2 or more! Tips for Teaching at a New School as a Department of One!

Tips for Teaching at a New School as a Department of 2 or More!

  Tips for Teaching at a New School as a Department of 2 or More! These tips are if you are starting at a new school consisting of 2 or more teachers that teach the same subject as you.  Whether you are a new teacher, or a veteran teacher, these tips will apply to you! If you are starting at a new school where you will be the only teacher teaching your subject, then check out my blog post on Teaching at a New School as a Department of One! Tips for Teaching at a New School as a Department of 2 or More! Prioritize building a good relationship with all students on Day 1.  I’ve been the “new” teacher for a district 3 times. There will always be comparisons to whoever was the teacher before you.  Even though getting to know every student within a week can be daunting, it can be done!  TIP: Print those rosters with their faces, and study them each night!  TIP: Use name tags for the first week! TIP: Play a name game in Spanish the first day or two! TIP: Hand out an “All About Me” worksheet

Tips for Teaching at a New School as a Department of One!

Tips for Teaching at a New School as a Department of One! These tips are for teachers who will be the only teacher in your subject such as: Veteran teachers who are new to a school Teachers who are going into their first year of teaching If you are starting at a new school with 2 or more teachers that teach your subject, then check out my blog post on Tips for Teaching at a New School as a Department of 2+ Teachers . Tips for Teaching at a New School as a Department of One! Prioritize building a good relationship with all students on Day 1.  I’ve been the “new” teacher for a district 3 times. There will always be comparisons to whoever was the teacher before you.  Even though getting to know every student in Grade 6-12 (for example) can be daunting, it can be done!  TIP: Print those rosters with their faces, and study them each night!  TIP: Use name tags for the first week! TIP: Play a name game in Spanish the first day or two! TIP: Hand out an “All About Me” worksheet on the first da